MidYear Pickwick Landing

2021-2022 Midyear Conference at Pickwick Landing

A fabulous Midyear Conference at Pickwick Landing and $1,340.00 was raised for Moose Charities!

And the winner of the BBQ Competion ...

The Southern Bootleggers!!

They will go on to represent the TMA at the Moose international championship! Congrats!

Second Place went to

Nice Rack Cookers!!

Nice Rack Cookers

Somerville Moose

West Nashville Moose

I Ain't Never Coming Back BBQ

Dan Hutchinson

Lexington Moose

Our happy Somerville sisters cheer at the TMA WOTM Luncheon!

The Stud Strut was hillariously fun! Thank you all that participated!

Hoping for more pictures to come in. $959.00 raised! Woohoo!

Knoxville Stud Strutters

Tamela Meade from the Somerville Stud Strutters

The Membership Champaign was won by Newbern Lodge! Congratulations!

Thank you Brandon Chapman for the additional pictures!