Amy Caraway's Celebration of Life


Thank you for all the happy memories!

You will be missed dearly!

May your family find comfort in the beautiful memories you have left them.


The Celebration of Life for Amy Caraway was held on Sunday December 10th at 2:00. Amy's family and friends all gathered to remember all the happy memories and share special moments together.

Her Chapter sisters held a ceremony of roses in her honor and spoke touching words to celebrate her time in the chapter and the contributions she brought not only to the Chapter but also to the Lodge over the years. 

After the ceremony, The lodge got together to toast Amy with her favorite drink of Jack, before gathering in the ballroom for dinner.

There was a delicious buffet dinner with main dishes of  fried chicken and savory ham with sides of deviled eggs, crackers and cheese, coleslaw, mac and cheese, green beans, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a table of desserts to follow! 

It was a beautiful Celebration and I know Amy was with us all smiling, and feeling our love.